Guest Posting Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in guest posting on my website.  You may submit guests posts regarding affiliate marketing, work at home online, email marketing, social media marketing, increasing website traffic and more.  Check out my website to see what sort of topics I cover here.  Here are my guidelines – please feel free to contact me with questions.  Debra

Guest Post Guidelinesguest posting site affiliate marketing

  • Post should be a minimum of 500 words, preferably 1000 or more
  • I reserve the right to edit – specifically typos, grammatical errors, etc.
  • I will format the post to be consistent with my website’s content
  • No affiliate links can be used in the post. However, links to your website are acceptable
  • You may submit images to go with your post, but please verify the source of the image/usage rights
  • I request a backlink to my website on yours, please


  • $25 to publish the post on my website
  • $50 includes an email blast with your post to my email subscriber list
  • $75 includes posting on my social media platforms (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)
  • $100 includes a YouTube video covering your post, if the post is consistent with my channel’s topics

how to start a blog aboutThank You!

Thank you for your interest in my website! I hope your guest post is successful.  Debra

Benefits of Guest Posting

If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of guest posting, read this article describing 13 benefits!

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