I personally have two blog sites that I created several years ago which provide a full-time income for me. I learned how to create a blog for free from a company called, Wealthy Affiliate. They have a free starter program that includes one free blog site, step-by-step video training on how to start your own blog, and training on how to start a blog to make money. So if you want to learn how to create a blog site, I suggest Wealthy Affiliate’s free training on how to create a blog for beginners.
How Do You Create a Blog Site?
Affiliate’s Free Starter Membership includes 10 free classes on how to create a blog site. You can see the training HERE. The free starter program to learn how to create a blog website includes these 10 classes:
Lesson 1: Getting Rolling!
Lesson 2: Understanding How to Make Money Online
Lesson 3: Choosing a Niche (choosing a topic for your blog)
Lesson 4: Building Your Own Niche Website
Lesson 5: Setting Up Your Website
Lesson 6: Getting Your Website Ready for Search Engines
Lesson 7: Creating Your Initial Website Content
Lesson 8: Creating Custom Menus on Your Website
Lesson 9: Understanding Keywords – the Start of Your Business
Lesson 10: Congratulations and Your Next Steps
Each training contains a written lesson, plus a step-by-step video. By the time you’re finished with the 10 free classes included in the Free Starter Membership, you will have chosen a niche for your blog, you’ll have your blog set up in WordPress, and it will be optimized, looking great and LIVE!
You’ll also already have a very clear understanding on how you can make money with your blog. You can read my complete review of everything Wealthy Affiliate’s Free Starter Membership has to offer HERE.
Click on this video from the free starter training to see Kyle, one of the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, show you step-by-step how to create a blog website in under 30 seconds!
How to Create a Blog Site for Beginners
Wealthy Affiliate’s training will show you how to make a blog site in WordPress. Like I said, I have two blog sites. One is the website you’re on right now. Take a minute to look around this website. Notice the pages and pages and pages of valuable blog posts and articles.
The appearance of the websites, with easy-to-read menus, banner ads on the sides. All of the content on my websites is broken down by categories and easy to find. Every page has social media buttons so people can share my content on social media. Every page has an opportunity for my visitors to subscribe to my email list.
Wealthy Affiliate taught me step-by-step how to create everything you see on my websites. I started with a blank white page – a fresh, empty, brand-new-out-of-the-box WordPress website. I created every bit of content, placed every image, put in all the bells and whistles, links to this, links to that, buttons to click on…all of it.
Wealthy Affiliate taught me, in step-by-step, easy-to-follow videos, how to do everything you see on my websites. And a great deal of that training is included in the Free Starter Membership. It’s the best training, in my opinion, on how to start a blog for beginners.
How to Start a Blog to Make MONEY
Wealthy Affiliate can teach you how to create a blog site for whatever purpose you desire. You may just want a blog site to share your travel experiences, to share information regarding one of your hobbies, interests or passions. You may not be wanting to necessarily learn how to start a blog and make money with it.
But if you do want to learn how to make money with your blog, Wealthy Affiliate is the place to be. Wealthy Affiliate covers all of the ways you can make money online, but mostly, they specialize in affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is where you become an affiliate (or a rep) for certain products and/or companies and they give you an affiliate link.
You write blog posts about those products or companies and include your affiliate link within that content. Any time someone clicks on one of your affiliate links and make a purchase, you make money.
There are many different ways to make money with your blog, not just with affiliate marketing. Click below to watch my video, How You Can Make Money from a Blog, which outlines a free training on Wealthy Affiliate called, 6 Ways to Make Money with Your WordPress Blog:
To Get More Advanced Training
Wealthy Affiliate has their Free Starter Membership, which we’ve been discussing. They also have a Premium Membership, which includes (unbelievable amounts of) advanced training. I’ve been a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2015. Here are the prices, and what each membership includes:
Free Starter Membership: Includes 20 free classes, 24/7 support, one free website, 50+ training modules, and 2 training classrooms, plus the ability to earn commissions for referring people to Wealthy Affiliate: FREE. You can read my full review of Wealthy Affiliate’s Free Starter Membership (my video included), click HERE.
Premium Membership: Includes 100+ additional classes, unlimited support, weekly live training webinars, 1000+ training modules, up to 10 websites (including your own domains), 13 training classrooms, free access to Jaaxy (a keyword research tool that normally costs $49 per month), plus double commissions for referring people to Wealthy Affiliate: $49 per month.
Or you can save money by purchasing a full year’s membership for $495 (works out to about two months free). To see a full overview of Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Membership (my video included), click HERE.
I Hope This Helped!
So, how do you create a blog site? You learn from the experts for free! I’m so glad that I found Wealthy Affiliate back in 2015 when I was trying to learn how to make money online. I’ve been a full time affiliate marketer ever since, as a direct result of their training. I work at home, set my own hours, I’m my own boss, and I have unlimited income potential.
I was a beginner when I found Wealthy Affiliate. Seriously, I didn’t know anything about how to create a blog site, let alone turn it into the sites you see today, created by li’l ole me! It’s been a fantastic journey, and I’m so glad I get to work at home, and actually love what I do for a living.
Please comment below and let me know why you want to learn how to create a blog site. Do you have a topic in mind? What’s your motivation? I’d love to know. And please, always feel free to comment if you need more information or have questions. I’m here to help! Debra
I want to find something meaningful to me that can make me money on line and be home with my girls also. Homeschooling needs my full attention. I’ve been a server at my job for 18 years and I’ve missed so much with my two girls, they are 15 and 11 now. Times flying by and I dont want to miss it anymore. I have a boyfriend who’s a big part of our lives, I have a horse I rescued over a year ago who is my everything and I love to make wooden signs. My 11 year old and my boyfriend are big time creators also. So I was thinking of doing my blog on our art work and some of my horse, he has a sad story till he came to me. I just want some advice on what I’m doing lol.
Thank you
Wow, Samantha, you could definitely do a blog on some of the things you’re talking about here. Go ahead and sign up for the free starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate. All you need is your email address. Do the 10 free classes and you’ll see that you can definitely do this. I like the horse idea for a blog, but I’m a huge animal lover so that’s probably why LOL. Let me know what you think of the free training, and if you create a blog, please let me know what you picked! Here’s the link to start the free starter membership: https://workathomeonlineforfree.com/wealthyaffiliate
Debra 🙂