Starting an Online Business 14 Days

Wealthy Affiliate is presenting a blockbuster training series on how to start an online business, step-by-step.  This is a series of expert classes presented by their training expert, Jay Neill.

Jay has 20 years experience within the online world and is one of the key figures and experts within Wealthy Affiliate. If you have taken part in any of his Friday Night classes, you will know just how powerful his delivery is when it comes to training (and how proficient he is creating online businesses). His breadth of knowledge is going to truly be showcased in these classes.

Jay hosts weekly live video training events that are offered within the Premium Membership at Wealthy Affiliate.   He has vast experience in the Internet marketing world, from PPC, local marketing, content development, SEO, and website development (programming, wordpress, joomla, drupal), and affiliate marketing.


Jay is going to be uncovering this ENTIRE make money process, front to back within “Research to Profits Step-By-Step: 14 Day LIVE Case Study” Series.  Here’s a full breakdown:

Full Training Series from Wealthy AffiliateThis Series is Available to ALL Premium Members (see below)

  • Day 1: Research: Niche
  • Day 2: Research: Affiliate Programs
  • Day 3: Research: Keywords
  • Day 4: Build: Website
  • Day 5: Setup: Tracking
  • Day 6: Setup: Socials
  • Day 7: Write: Core Content
  • Day 8: Build: Content Strategy Spreadsheet
  • Day 9: Build: Content Creation Calendar
  • Day 10: Write: 1st Blog Post
  • Day 11: Write: 2nd Blog Post
  • Day 12: Build: Social Media Growth
  • Day 13: Setup: Hire a Writer
  • Day 14: Write: 3rd Blog Post From Writer

This level of education is something other companies are charging $1,000’s forA Business Out of Thin Air in 14 Days? alone and Jay is taking what some will see as a new approach to establishing a business focusing heavily on the research for the build out process. This will give you a unique take on research and keyword assessment, prior to the build out process and is a powerful approach to building a business in any niche.

Wealthy Affiliate is the company who taught me how to become a full-time affiliate marketer.  For more about their training to start an online business, click here.

how to start a blog aboutYour First Month of Premium Membership is Only $19!

Wealthy Affiliate has a Free Starter Membership which you can sign up with just your email HERE.  If you upgrade to their Premium Membership within 7 days, they’ll give you your first month of Premium Membership for only $19.  Sign up now, then do the upgrade within 7 days, pay the $19, and watch this series!

I hope you’ll take advantage of this fantastic training!   When you’re finished, read my Full Overview of Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Membership to decide if you’d like to continue your membership. You can cancel if you wish.  Debra



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