Does Affiliate Marketing Cost Money?

In this video, I’ll tell you how I started in affiliate marketing and what I pay to do it. The cost of affiliate marketing consists of how much you pay for training, the cost of a domain (less than $15 usually), and software or programs you can use to help with your affiliate marketing efforts (optional and low cost). Training is the biggest expense, so in this video, I’ll tell you the cheapest way to get the best affiliate marketing training.

Note:  This blog post contains affiliate links.

Updates:  Wealthy Affiliate’s monthly premium membership is still $49, but theyhow much does affiliate marketing cost? no longer have the six month membership, and their annual membership is $495.  Also, currently you can host 2 websites free with the free starter membership, and 10 websites with the premium membership.

To sign up for Wealthy Affiliate training, click here:

To read my full overview of Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Membership, click here:

To learn more about AWeber, click here:

To learn more about Blog2Social, click here:

For More Info About Affiliate Marketing CLICK HERE

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