How to Find Keywords for a Website

I learned how to find keywords for a website from Wealthy Affiliate.  They teach people how to make money online with affiliate marketing.  I’ve been a full-time affiliate marketer for 7+ years as a direct result of their training.

Finding the right keywords, in my opinion, is the difference between success and failure for any online business.  It’s the very first step in getting your content found in the search engines.

I’m happy to provide you with these links to tons of FREE training from Wealthy Affiliate on how to find keywords for a website.  You’ll be an expert soon! affiliate disclosure

how to find keywords for a websiteHow to Find Keywords for a Website (FREE) Tutorials

Understanding Keyword Research – The Start of Your Content

This is one of the very first beginner classes in Wealthy Affiliate.  It starts with understanding what a keyword is.  A keyword is simply a word or phrase that people search for in the search engines. Every time you do a google search you are entering a “keyword” into the search box.

Understanding Low-Hanging Fruit (aka Low Competition Keywords)

Essentially a low hanging fruit keyword is a low competition keyword. Like a fruit tree, it is the fruit that is typically smaller (it gets less traffic), that has more abundance. There are many more of them and they have far less competition because most people naturally compete for the “larger” fruit at the top of the tree (the high traffic keywords).

Understanding Keywords and A Day of Selling

This class talks about the value of your content vs just trying to “stuff” your content with high-traffic keywords.

Creating Keyword Rich Content

Keywords are the basis of ALL of your content. In this lesson, they help you understand the process of creating awesome, keyword rich and high ranking content.  If you learn how to effectively choose the right keywords, you’re going to vastly improve your chances of getting ranked in Google and other search engines.

Understanding the Importance of Keywords in Your Business

This class talks about finding keyword phrases that are relevant to your niche and deciding whether or not it is appropriate to build content around that particular keyword.  Keywords are going to be the “root” of all your SEO success.

Those Keyword Research Trainings are Free

Wealthy Affiliate has a Free Starter Membership and all of the classes I’ve listed so far are included in that free membership.  If you’d like to see a list of other classes included in the free membership, click here:

wealthy affiliate black friday sale 2020Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Membership

Wealthy Affiliate also has a Premium Membership, which consists of virtually unlimited training.  The cost of the Premium Membership is $49 per month (less if you pay annually.) For a full overview of everything that’s included in the Premium Membership, read my post (includes video), here.

More Advanced Keyword Research Training

Here’s a more advanced class about how to find keywords for a website that’s included in the Premium Membership:

The 4 Seasons of Keyword Research

There are 4 popular types of keyword research:
1. Root Keywords
2. Blog Post Keywords
3. Pillar Article Keywords
4. Local Marketing Keywords

In this class, Wealthy Affiliate’s top trainer, Jay,  will walk you through the 4 different types of keyword research and reveal EXACTLY what you need to look for to determine the success of keyword rankings.

how to start a blog aboutMy Keyword Research Tutorials

You might also benefit from some of the training I’ve created regarding keyword research.

How I Find Unlimited Keywords (includes video)

Jaaxy Review.  This is my full review and demonstration on how I use Jaaxy, a keyword research tool created by (and included with membership at) Wealthy Affiliate.

I hope this has helped!  Please feel free to comment below with questions.  I’m happy to help!  Debra

For More Information About Keyword Research, Click Here

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